Toscana e Gusto

Toscana e Gusto for cooking classes is located in Camucia, 2 kms downhill from Cortona, where we can host from from 2 up to 8 people.

Service of pick up and drop off could be available on request.

Cooking class from 2 people up to 25 can be catered directly where you are staying depending on the size of your kitchen.

How to reach Toscana e Gusto

By Car

Reach Camucia town center, near Cortona, stay in the SR 71, then turn into via Alessandro Manzoni, just in front of via Fratelli Rosselli. The first street on the left is via Quinto Zampagni, where we are.

Coordinates for the gps navigator are 43.263039, 11.973219.

By Train

You must reach Camucia-Cortona station, easily reachable from the stations of Florence, Arezzo, Rome or Perugia. From there is just a short distance on foot to reach us, just climb up Viale Regina Elena till the crossroad, then walk into via Quinto Zampagni on the left and you'll find us on the right.